Food Coalition & F2N In the news

The mission of the Northwest Food Coalition is to empower member food programs by coordinating and creating resources to achieve regional food security. The Farm2Neighbor program purchases fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers and distributes them to hungry neighbors through local pantries and meal sites. Both are in the news.

When the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in the U.S., the staff at Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities in Northwest Michigan met to brainstorm about what they could do in response. Read more at: Community Organizations Across America Join Forces With Farmers to Save Crops, Feed Neighbors in Need

The Farm to Neighbor program represents a fundamental shift in providing food for pantry customers, explains Mary Clulo, chair of the operating committee at The Northwest Food Coalition. “Our immediate mission is to help people access food. We refined that in the last two years to focus on healthy food and access to nutrients more than on accessing calories,” Mary says. Learn more at: Food Access: The Farm to Neighbor Program Puts Healthy, Locally Grown Food on Pantry Shelves

A new food relief fund in Northwest Michigan links farmers and food pantries, helping both persist through the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information visit: Local relief fund will help struggling farmers sell to food pantries during pandemic

Have you seen the wonderful video about the Local Food Relief Fund that Bill Latka Storylicious made for our Harvest at Home event? It’s a legit and feel-good few minutes about the power of a resilient community. Indulge! Click here to watch video.

Leelanau County has the largest affordability gap in the nation between Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits and the average cost of a meal, according to a study just released by the Washington, D.C.-based Urban Institute. Learn how Food Rescue is trying to close that gap. The Rescuers: How Leelanau-Peninsula Grown Produce Is Getting On The Plates Of Its Own Struggling Families

It takes a community to grow and deliver local produce to Northern Michigan’s residents facing food insecurity. Learn more about our Farm2Neighbor program at: Farm2Neighbor Gives Gift of Fresh Food in Northern Michigan

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